Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011!

It is now January 1st, and it has been 2011 for eleven hours and fifty-five minutes. It is also the second-to-last day of Winter Break, which is a depressing thought. On the bright side, my break has been very…eventful --- mostly good, but some bad, too --- especially the last seventy-two hours. On Wednesday my good friend, Madeline “Maddie” Stone, came to town from her dad’s house in Los Gatos, where she lives now, so we saw Burlesque at the Vine Theater and had a sleepover after. I just have to take a moment to say that Burlesque is the best movie I’ve seen, possibly ever, but definitely in the last couple of years. It has inspired me to be a Burlesque dancer when I “grow up”; not even kidding! But back to me and Maddie…at our sleepover we watched a Teen Mom marathon on On Demand for like five hours and gossiped about boys the whole night; it was great. Then on Thursday morning, well, afternoon considering we slept until noon, Clarissa came over to spend the night since she didn’t want to spend New Year’s at her cabin with her family. After dropping Maddie off at Nicole’s house, where she was going to spend Thursday night at, we headed up to the mall where we shopped for like five hours. I got leggings from Wet Seal, eyeshadow and an eyebrow brush from Sephora, “Hottie Cider” lip gloss from Victoria’s Secret, and pretty pink bracelets from H&M. After we returned home and ate the dinner that we got from Safeway on the way home --- I had orange chicken and chicken fried rice and Clarissa had cheese pizza --- we went upstairs to dye our hair. I dyed mine the same blonde color that I always use so mine doesn’t look any different, just lighter roots, but Clarissa was trying to dye her red hair a lighter shade of blonde. Unfortunately, it didn’t work and her hair came out looking more red, if that’s possible, so I think she’s going to go to a salon, maybe my hair stylists’, to get it professionally fixed. Hopefully it turns out nicely! After we had finished with the hair coloring process, we watched A Walk to Remember, with Mandy Moore and Shane West, which is the cutest movie ever! The story is so sweet how Shane’s character, Landon, falls in love with Mandy’s character, Jamie, despite their social differences, and how he stands by her so loyally when he finds out she has cancer. Where are all the sensitive boys like Landon in the real world? On Friday, New Year’s Eve, around oneish, my dad and I dropped Clarissa off at Stephanie’s house, where she was going to be spending Friday night, and I finally got Stephanie’s Christmas present to her at the same time, just a little bit late. A little bit later, after picking up the rest of my family from home, we all headed out to San Leandro to look for a new dishwasher at the Sears Outlet Store, since our last one started smoking and sparking and almost caught on fire. On the drive there, on the 580 freeway, a very scary thing happened; we got in a car accident. A twenty-three year old boy, driving an old, red Honda Civic slammed on his brakes, without leaving enough time to stop, so he swerved to avoid our bumper, but was heading toward the center dividing wall so he swerved back and hit the side of our new Ford Explorer, from which he bounced off and crashed into the wall. Thankfully everyone was alright, but, of course, he didn’t have car insurance, which is illegal, so we have to pay for repairs; however, he did offer to pay all the money he had, but he only has $1,300 which won’t cover even half of repair costs. Luckily, my parents have uninsured drivers coverage which insures our car incase an uninsured driver hits it, so the most we’ll have to pay, or should I say he’ll have to pay, is a $1,000 deductible and maybe not even that. So all and all, as car accidents go, it wasn’t a bad one; of course, we’re going to have to drive around town for the next few days with a crunched in left side, but who cares? The only thing bothering me about the whole ordeal is that I saw the whole thing and it keeps replaying in my head. I turned around when I heard skidding and I saw him coming right towards us, I heard the crunch which was inches from where I sat, and I saw his car plow into the wall. I was all very intense and it could’ve been a lot worse; I’m surprised and very, very, very thankful that it was not. My brother was crying at first since it was his first car accident and he thought it was worse than it was, which is understandable, but he calmed down quickly and handled it really well. After leaving the scene of the accident, since our car still drives, we ended up going to Sears, where we bought a new dishwasher, and dinner at Frankie’s, Johnnie’s, and Luigi’s Too, which has the best bread and garlic butter ever. I spent New Year’s Eve with my family, playing games and watching movies, --- we watched The Santa Clause one last time until next year --- which I’m actually not too bitter about because there’s plenty of time to hit rocking New Year’s Eve parties next year and in the future. I fell asleep around ten p.m. and slept until eleven fifteenish p.m., since I haven’t gotten barely any sleep in the past three days, but I woke up in time to watch the countdown on Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve and run outside to pop poppers and blow horns. Our street was actually really lively this year; there were numerous families who came out to celebrate and there were pots and pans, poppers, and fireworks. It was a good way to ring in the New Year. My poor doggie, Cody, was terrified of the loud sounds so he hid under my brother’s bed and refused to come out, so he slept under there all night. I’m just relaxing, maybe going to the park later to play some touch-football with the family, today, so 2011 is starting out nicely. I do apologize for the length of this post, and I promise future ones will be shorter since I usually don’t have this much to say, but like I said earlier, these last couple of days have been very eventful. Keeping a blog is not my New Year’s resolution, but it’s a habit I intend to make this year, so I’ll do my best to write every day, but no promises. So in conclusion, happy New Year; I hope 2011 is full of love, prosperity, and joy for everyone!
-Megan Nicole Thompson: January 1st, 2010 @ 2:01 p.m.

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